Kachemak Quartets - A Companion Collection to the Kachemak Preludes

This collection was commissioned as a companion piece to the beginner strings collection Kachemak Preludes.

It consists of five short pieces for string quartet, which develop the melodic material in the Preludes a lot further. The idea is to promote mixed-ability music-making. Beginners who have played the Preludes can listen to more advanced players playing the Quartets and hopefully recognise some of the melodic lines (helping to enhance listening skills). It is my hope that this makes beginners feel more included in their musical community, as they can hear more advanced players using variations of the same material that they are playing themselves.

The download includes PDF sheet music.

Kachemak Quartets


A Mountain Sunset and Moonrise
Salmon Hatchlings
Chase the Moose Out of the Garden
Peanut Dance
Golden Crowned Sparrow Songs

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